Facing Nature
Cultivating Experience in the Nature Connection Movement
Ohlsson, Henrik
Through field research in Sweden and Finland between 2017 and 2022, the thesis follows a burgeoning social movement in which connection with nature is seen as a means of both personal wellbeing and ecological sustainability at the societal level. The thesis describes and analyses ideas, practices, organisations, and literature in a contemporary cultural context in the borderland between health practice, environmental activism, and spirituality. It also examines participants' personal experiences and understands both the practice and its social milieu as a cultivation of experience, whereby experiences of nature as alive and communicative are maintained and enhanced. This leads into a discussion of animism in a contemporary Western context, where the thesis aims to develop a multidimensional understanding which takes into account not only ontology and cognitive-perceptual patterns, but also lays emphasis on emotional and ethical dimensions.
The thesis employs the concept face, which, in the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, signifies the encounter with subjectivity outside of oneself. In contrast to objects, which can be grasped intellectually and thus controlled and incorporated, the face reveals a reality beyond conceptualisation to which one must relate ethically. The thesis arrives at an understanding of both health and spirituality as states of (relative) openness toward the world and its human and non-human inhabitants.
Huddinge : Södertörns högskola, 2022. s. 224.
ISBN 978-91-89504-05-9
- English Studies
- Förvaltningsakademin
- Issues of Contemporary History / Samtidshistoriska frågor
- Journalistikstudier vid Södertörns högskola
- Läromedel från Södertörns högskola
- Mediestudier vid Södertörns högskola
- Research Reports
- Södertörn Academic Studies
- Södertörn Archaeological Studies
- Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations
- Södertörn Philosophical Studies
- Södertörn retoriska studier
- Södertörn Studies in Art History and Aesthetics
- Södertörn Studies in Education
- Södertörn Studies in Higher Education
- Södertörn Studies in Intellectual and Cultural History
- Södertörn Studies in Practical Knowledge
- Text- och samtalsstudier från Södertörns högskola
- Working Paper