Biafra and the Nordic Media
Witness Seminar with Uno Grönkvist, Lasse Jensen, Pierre Mens, and Pekka Peltola

Götz, Norbert; Marklund, Carl
The Nigerian Civil War, spanning from 1967 to 1970, garnered signifcant global attention, especially due to the media's portrayal of suffering children in the seceding region of Biafra and the subsequent humanitarian response.
This booklet chronicles a seminar where journalists from Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, who reported from Biafra, shared their experiences and perspectives on the confict and the humanitarian efforts aimed at alleviating the famine. The discussions captured in this document provide valuable insights into Nordic humanitarianism and its ethical dimensions, with relevance for contemporary global aid initiatives and the involvement of Nordic countries in international humanitarian cooperation.
Huddinge : Södertörns högskola, 2024. s. 94.
ISBN 978-91-89615-48-9
Issues of Contemporary History / Samtidshistoriska frågor, 2004-8858; 48
- English Studies
- Förvaltningsakademin
- Issues of Contemporary History / Samtidshistoriska frågor
- Journalistikstudier vid Södertörns högskola
- Läromedel från Södertörns högskola
- Mediestudier vid Södertörns högskola
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- Södertörn Studies in Intellectual and Cultural History
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- Text- och samtalsstudier från Södertörns högskola
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