Writing the Self

Essays on Autobiography and Autofiction
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Shands, Kerstin; Grillo Mikrut, Giulia; Pattanaik, Dipti R.; Ferreira-Meyers, Karen


Recent discussions of autobiographical writing have led to a new terminology (autographies, autre-biographies, nouvelle autobiographie, autofiction, faction, égolittérature, circonfession), and current approaches to autobiography and autofiction suggest that this literary field offers a renewal and even a revolution of life-writing. Exploring autobiographical expression from different perspectives, the thirty essays in this book were presented at an international conference held at Södertörn University in 2014. As the essays in this anthology suggest, literary critics and authors alike are rethinking autobiographical writing and its definitions. Through the variety of papers, this anthology offers a thought-provoking overview of different approaches to autobiography and autofiction.

Huddinge : Södertörns högskola, 2015. s. 379.

ISBN 978-91-87843-21-1

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