IKEA and the Responsible Governance of Supply Chains
IKEA’s work on chemicals in textiles
Boström, Magnus; Gilek, Michael; Jönsson, Anna Maria; Karlsson, Mikael
This report focuses on IKEA’s management and communication surrounding sustainability in general and chemical risks specifically. IKEA’s work is analysed in relation to theoretical concepts around responsibility, supply chain, and governance . The report focuses on IKEA’s visions and organizational structures, its policy instruments to deal with chemical risks, supplier-relations and communication and learning. The study is based on previous scholarly literature, analyses of relevant documents, a field visit at a few of IKEA’s suppliers in southern India, as well as interviews with staff working at IKEA in Sweden. The report focuses on IKEA’s systems and processes for dealing with chemical risks, and not on the implementation of such measures in quantitative terms.
Huddinge : Södertörns högskola, 2013. s. 78.
Working Paper, 1404-1480; 2013:1
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