Swedish Analytica
Individuals’ awareness of information about them held by Swedish public authorities, 1987–2017
![Swedish Analytica Publication book cover](https://sh.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1332646/PREVIEW01.jpg)
Rosengren, Anna
The purpose of the study is to enhance our knowledge of enablers of, and obstacles to, individuals’ awareness of how information about them in Swedish public authorities was handled and might be accessed by others. The concept self-information awareness developed for the study was therefore at the core of the linguistic–historical analysis that was carried out on twelve Swedish Government Official Reports on large public registers and personal integrity published 1987–2017.
The main conclusion from the investigation is that the possibility of individuals being aware of how information about them was handled by the Swedish authorities and might be accessed by others seemed very limited. The linguistic analysis carried out in the study therefore needs to be supplemented by research into the material legal possibilities for individuals to gain such awareness.
Huddinge : Södertörns högskola, 2019. s. 85.
Working Paper, 1404-1480; 2019:4
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